Bus driver

Bus driver

Become a Bus Driver at JVB – A Flexible Job Full of Great Experiences! Are you a service-minded and responsible bus driver looking for a varied workday? JVB is looking for skilled on-call drivers for tour buses, route services, and express bus services. At JVB,...
Captain at MB Bitihorn

Captain at MB Bitihorn

Captain at M/B Bitihorn The JVB group consists of the parent company AS Jotunheimen and Valdresruten Bilselskap which operates the Nor-Way Bus Express routes Valdresekspressen and Øst-Vestekspressen, a boat route with MB Bitihorn at Bygdin and 12 tracked vehicles...
Become guide for Jotunheimen Travel

Become guide for Jotunheimen Travel

Guide for Jotunheimen Travel Jotunheimen Travel offers nature experiences in and around Jotunheimen. In the summer, for example, there are walks in Jotunheimen and bike rides along Mjølkevegen. In the winter, we will eventually offer e.g. cross-country skiing trips...
Tourism apprentice

Tourism apprentice

Tourism apprentice Tourism apprentice in 100% position, with accession by agreement, with accession by agreement. The position is in JVB Tur / JVB Travel, with stationing location Fagernes. Contact [email protected] or phone +47 61 36 59 00 if you have questions about the...
Bus driver

Tour bus driver, on call

Turbussjåfør, tilkallingsvikar Tilkallingsvikar som turbussjåfør, med tiltredelse etter avtale. Stillingen er i JVB Tur AS, med stasjoneringssted Oslo, Mjøsregionen og Valdres. Ta kontakt på [email protected] eller telefon +47 61 36 59 00 dersom du har spørsmål til...
Bus driver

Tour bus driver

Turbussjåfør Turbussjåfør i 20-100% stilling, med tiltredelse etter avtale. Stillingen er i JVB Tur AS, med stasjoneringssted Oslo og Fagernes. Ta kontakt på [email protected] eller telefon +47 61 36 59 00 dersom du har spørsmål til stillingen, eller ønsker å...